Tuesday, 10 January 2017


Just like the lands at the top of the Magic Faraway Tree, the festive season has moved on and January has come around again.  

For some it's a time for introspection and self-improving resolutions (dry January anyone? Nope, nor us) and for others it's a time to look forward to the impending arrival of more sheep in the world (that'll be half the population of our bit of North Devon then).

And for those that are under 10 it's time to whip off wellies and paddle barefoot in the sea!

paddling with grandpa, Saunton Sands
However, as we write this an arctic blast is on its way so full sea immersion probably isn't on the cards for us any time soon.

Nope, we are absolutely, definitely not at all cold.
(Although we can't say the same for our musician friend Clare Mactaggart who is one of the 'Clevedon swimmers' currently appearing in a new BBC One ident).

Maybe George Ellis got it right when he wrote his poem The twelve months back in the 18th century (and it's not just the under 10s that hope he did if we're completely honest).

Snowy, Flowy, Blowy,
Showery, Flowery, Bowery,
Hoppy, Croppy, Droppy,
Breezy, Sneezy, Freezy.
George Ellis 1753-1815

Happy 2017 everyone!